Hothouse + Please The Trees + Tér

Adresse ostrov Štvanice 1125, Praha 7 – Štvanice
Label Punk, Post-Punk, Rock, Alternative/Indie, Hardcore, Garage, Post Metal, Post Hardcore
Eintritt 300 Kč
Webseite des Ortes

Auftretende Künstler*innen

Hardcore, Post Metal, Post Hardcore


Please the Trees  Infinite Dance  0 5 5:07 514 ×
Please the Trees  Missing Feeling Nothing  0 5 5:01 510 ×
Please the Trees  Consider Death  0 5 7:41 53 ×
Please the Trees  Wrong Along  0 5 4:19 793 ×
Please the Trees  Red sky  0 5 4:03 448 ×

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