Jiří Zonyga

Rock, Pop Tschechien www.jirizonyga.cz
S Jiří Zonyga

Vergangene Konzerte

Vinohraní ve Viniu 2023 Velké Pavlovice, Vinium Vinohraní ve Viniu 2023
Jaro tour 2023: Johnny Rose Praha 3 – Žižkov, Storm Club Jaro tour 2023: Johnny Rose
Jaro tour 2023: Johnny Rose Plzeň, Papírna Jaro tour 2023: Johnny Rose
Jaro tour 2023: Johnny Rose Smiřice, Kaple Zjevení Páně Jaro tour 2023: Johnny Rose
Jaro tour 2023: Johnny Rose Neratovice, Společenský dům Neratovice Jaro tour 2023: Johnny Rose
Jaro tour 2023: Johnny Rose Říčany, Kulturní centrum Labuť Jaro tour 2023: Johnny Rose


Jiří Zonyga  Husličky  0 5 2:27 159 ×
Jiří Zonyga  Nothing else matters  0 5 2:40 69 ×
Jiří Zonyga  Sluneční hrob  0 5 2:19 117 ×

Über Jiří Zonyga

George Zonyga, a truck driver from Breclav, won the sympathy of his nature and kind approach. It has a voice like a bell that would awaken the dead. "My mom always wanted to see me sing at feasts under the Maypole, but I was not on it. I wanted to smack the school bag on the floor and run out. I enjoyed the beautiful and peaceful childhood full of fun. In school I was a crook, and was a deuce of behavior, but when I meet my former teacher, I always have to remember Zonygu, "he says with nostalgia in his voice.

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