Knihovna Jiřího Mahena

Knihovna Jiřího Mahena

Adresse Kobližná 4, Brno

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Beschreibung des Ortes

Mahen Library in Brno, an organization is the largest municipal public library in Moravia, the second largest in the country. Establishes it since 1921 Statutory City of Brno. Offering a large selection of fiction and non-fiction, newspapers and magazines, AV media and music, access to the Internet and electronic databases, services for blind and partially sighted readers. Provides information about literature, regional authors, factual and legal information, information about Brno and region information from state and local governments, inter-library loan service. – Translated by Automatic service

Verbunden mit

Ústřední knihovna Kobližná 4 - © Brněnská drbna
Knihovna Starý Lískovec - © Wikimedia Commons

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