Milan Drobný

Pop, Land Tschechien
S Milan Drobný

Vergangene Konzerte

Tobogan – Yvetta Simonova 95 Praha 2 – Vinohrady, U Hasicu Theatre Tobogan – Yvetta Simonova 95
Milan Drobný & Nadrobno + další Praha 10, Barikádník Cultural House Milan Drobný & Nadrobno + další
Mezinárodní den seniorů Kladno, Dům kultury Kladno Mezinárodní den seniorů
Orchestr Karla Vlacha slaví... Praha 1 – Nové Město, Hybernia Theatre Orchestr Karla Vlacha slaví...
Šárka Rezková + support: Věra Martinová + Jakub Smolík + more Praha 1 – Nové Město, Hybernia Theatre Šárka Rezková + support: Věra Martinová + Jakub Smolík + more
Galavečer 75 let Felixe Slováčka Praha 1 – Nové Město, Hybernia Theatre Galavečer 75 let Felixe Slováčka


Milan Drobný  Lady z Ria  0 5 2:13 276 ×
Milan Drobný  Pláču, pláču sůl  0 5 3:27 214 ×

Über Milan Drobný

Milan Drobný is an excellent singer and storyteller. Passed theater semaphore and two files: the dry Šlitr he wrote such songs as Pink Roses, Flowers laughing, Song for a cat and more. He later collaborated with Country Beat Jiri Brabec, orchestras and Vaclav Karel Vlach Hybš. He sang in many countries around the world (all of Europe, USA, Australia, Egypt, Canada, Brasilia, and others). He won at several major music festivals (Egypt, Yugoslavia, Germany). He has recorded hundreds of songs that appeared on dozens of albums, he wrote several books in which a series of incredible stories from his life.


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