

Adresse Koszykowa 61, Warszawa
Webseite www.mindspace.me
Telefon 22 221 81 71

Aktuelle Events

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Beschreibung des Ortes

Mindspace is a global provider of inspiring co-working spaces for teams of all sizes, with locations in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Tel Aviv, Warsaw and Herzliya. Mindspace prides itself on offering an upscale co-working environment with an inspiring boutique design, unparalleled level of service, and a vibrant real-world community. Among Mindspace’s customers are world-leading brands, such as Samsung, Barclays Bank, Euronews, and M&C Saatchi.


Ähnliche Orte

Fabryka Trzciny
Warszawski Zaułek
Ptak Warsaw Expo
Yatta.pl : Centrum Popkultury
Love Prints
Centrum Dawnych Sztuk Walk
Autonomiczna Przestrzeń Edukacyjna
Pracownia Dóbr Wspólnych
Piwnica na Wójtowskiej
Food Lab Studio

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