Villa Tugendhat

Villa Tugendhat

Adresse Černopolní 237/45, Brno
Verbunden mit Brno City Museum

Aktuelle Events

Permanent exhibition: Tugendhat Villa
Architektur und Urbanistik, Dauerausstellung

Beschreibung des Ortes

"The purpose of building gives her her own sense. (…) The residential house is intended only to housing. Location, location to the sun, spatial layout and building materials are important factors for building a residential house. In these circumstances it is necessary to combine the body works." – Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, 1924

Because of huge interest in visiting the Villa Tugendhat we recommend to all visitors to book the tickets at least 1 month in advance. Guided tours begin at 10 am, 11 am, 12 noon, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm and 5 pm. A maximum of 15 people are allowed in one tour group due to capacity and safety reasons.

Ähnliche Orte

Villa Müller
Vila Stiassni
 Havlíčkova vila
Brno City Museum
Galerie Vaňkovka
Governor's Palace
Red Church
Židovský hřbitov
Kostel sv. Janů
Hrad Veveří
Teplárny Brno Špitálka

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