Permanent exhibition

Berliner Leben im Biedermeier

Address Poststraße 23, Berlin
Entry Free
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The Knoblauchhaus Museum, one of the few preserved Berlin houses of this era, provides an insight into the lifestyle of the Biedermeier period with the reconstructed living quarters of the Knoblauch family.

On the second floor you can get to know the members of the family and their services to the city in the permanent exhibition. On the second floor, objects of daily use, pictures and documents inform about social life, economy, politics and architecture of the period from 1815 to 1845. In the living room of Henriette Knoblauch you can see typical pieces of furniture of the Biedermeier period: secretary, sewing table, sofa, round table. The library is dedicated to her husband, Carl Knoblauch. He ran his father's silk business and was involved in community, social and cultural affairs. In the so-called Entrée Room, one can meet Carl's brother, the architect and student of Schinkel, Eduard Knoblauch. Eduard was one of the most important architects of the 19th century. His most famous work is the New Synagogue on Oranienburger Strasse. The rear corner room presents Hermann Knoblauch. His academic career as an experimental physicist took him to the universities of Berlin, Bonn, Marburg and Halle. Like his father Carl Knoblauch before him, he also became involved in politics.

The Berlin Salon can be discovered on the upper floor of the museum's permanent exhibition.

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