Bodies Together

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Address Husitská 24a, Praha 3
Theatre company Pocketart
Entry CZK 0–290
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Length 60–70 min
Director Jaro Viňarský
Release 9. 12. 2022
Author Jaro Viňarský & kolektiv

Performing: Sára Šimek Arnstein, Lukas Blaha, Sabina Bočková, Leonardo Gaipa, Barbora Nechanická, Johana Pocková, Matthew Rogers

A performance on the subject of the phenomenon of corporations and their influence on the lives of individuals and the global community. One of the several meanings of the term “corporation” comes from several people/bodies coming together to form one person/body. They unite to become a collective. Abstracted, Abstraktně řečeno, Bodies Together.

When creating this slightly immersive performance / journey, we primarily relied on this pleasant sounding thought, which enabled us to discover certain poetics on the corporate issue.Rather than dealing with a specific case study, analyzing or talking about publicly available facts, we focused on the questions: How do we perceive the influence and impact of corporations on our lives? Corporations are understood as “legal persons” that have rights similar to “natural persons”. But what kind of persons are they? Who, what is behind the many corporate scandals? Bad people in corporations or bad institutional arrangements? In general, we tend to mistakenly believe that we, as individuals, have nothing to do with the issues of the corporations upholding the success of the capitalist system in which we live. However, our lives and work are deeply intertwined with this system driven by financial profit. More than we can often imagine, realize or admit. A corporation may be an artificial legal structure, but the people involved in it, whether it be shareholders, executives, employees, or the rest of us as consumers, we all have moral and ethical responsibilities.

7 “natural persons”. 7 performers. 7 characters. Each with their own insight and urgency to express themselves on this topic.

The creative team offers viewers the opportunity to embark together on a fictional journey into a world of human corporation. It is set in a fragmented environment. This can make one feel frustrated. As protection against it, one can use the “Through, not against” method – the very environment in which you move guides you towards adopting this strategy.

Practical information:

  • The participants should bring their own headlamp. If they don't own one, they should not buy a new one, one will be lent.
  • Comfortable clothes and shoes are recommended.

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