Burlesque Secret Garden Show

Sold out
Address ul. Bagatela 10, Warszawa
Doors 17:00
Tags Burlesque, Show
Entry 200–560 PLN
Venue's website www.facebook.com…

Journey into the secret burlesque garden: classic and neo-classical burlesque sparkling with colour and glitter. Juicy Jane, Tula La Purr, Lady Fox and Lily Froù will be performing. The show will be hosted by Anuszka Burlesque. A large dose of humour and relaxation is guaranteed in the atmospheric Worek Kości, Poland's first burlesque house, where bartenders and waiters take the guesswork out of cocktail requests on the fly – there's no need to get up from your table, they will be at your beck and call. Evening wear is recommended to feel special, divine, and still comfortable. Halfway through the show, there is about a 25-minute break, just in time to catch your breath, go out for a cigarette, etc. Worek Kości has been entertaining every Thursday for nearly seven years, the show is weekly and every week different and unique.

Event for adult guests only.

Performing artists

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