Countryfest Bohunice 2024

Venue Amfiteáter Jaslovské Bohunice
Address 919 30 Jaslovské Bohunice, Jaslovské Bohunice

The tradition of Countryfest Bohunice continues. In July 2024, the municipality of Jaslovské Bohunice will organize another continuation of this widely visited family festival, situated in the local amphitheatre, which includes the castle park and the municipal pond.

The main stars of Countryfest Bohunice 2024 will be Adam Ďurica, Czech singer-songwriter Pokáč, the band Vidiek, Honza Nedvěd Jr. and Příbuzní, Robert Křesťan and Druhá tráva, Poutníci and Bukasový Masív. The organisers have already announced the dates, the event will take place on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 July 2024, with an overlap into Sunday morning.

Performing artists

Country, Blues, Bluesgrass


Adam Ďurica & Emma Drobná  Naše hriechy  0 5 3:52 0 ×
Pokáč  V lese  0 5 3:38 742 ×
Vidiek  Tisic divov, mozno aj viac  0 5 4:08 294 ×
Robert Křesťan & Druhá tráva  Ještě jedno kafe  0 5 3:23 1050 ×
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