Die Kabbelka

Rock, Postpunk Czechia www.facebook.com…
S Die Kabbelka

Past concerts

The Dokk + Die Kabbelka Praha 10 – Vršovice, Café V lese The Dokk + Die Kabbelka
Die Kabbelka Praha 10 – Vršovice, Café V lese Die Kabbelka
Free Quartet + Die Kabbelka + Abu Praha 6 – Dejvice, Klubovna Free Quartet + Die Kabbelka + Abu
Die Kabbelka Praha 10 – Vršovice, Café V lese Die Kabbelka
Die Kabbelka + Nikola Brasko + Vyměň kabelku Praha 10 – Vršovice, Café V lese Die Kabbelka + Nikola Brasko + Vyměň kabelku

About Die Kabbelka

Die Kabbelka Simulantenundfuriantenbande is a Czech rock group. An important component of their performance is choreography and image, i.e. clothes, attitude and expensive instrumental equipment. They describe their style as "corporate post punk rock".

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