Exodus + Deicide

Sold out
Address ul. Fort Wola 22, Warszawa
Organized by
Tags Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Groove Metal
Entry 169–190 PLN
Event website www.progresja.com…
Venue's website www.progresja.com…

Exodus will return to Poland with a special guest.

It will be the perfect evening for thrash metal fans, because after all, Exodus are one of the biggest and most deserving bands in the history of thrash. To the sound of their greatest hits, bodies go moshpit themselves. As a very special guest this evening, Deicide will take the stage.

The American band, led by the indefatigable Gary Holt, who is also a Slayer apprentice, has been called the masters of biting riffs at medium or racing tempos. Chaos reigns at their concerts (after all, the title of A Lesson in Violence didn't come out of nowhere), musically there is no room for rest, and every number is an invitation to mosh wildly without restraint. In their case, this mosh is particularly justified, as one of the band's biggest hits, The Toxic Waltz, is about just that and is one of the greatest thrash anthems.

Decide, on the other hand, when the lion's share of death metal bands were taking on graveyards, decay and corpses in various states of decomposition, raised the bar a few metres higher and entered the darkest depths of hell. Glen Benton's crew continuously nurtures acrimonious, thuggish and chaotic death metal that exudes sheer sulphur and, above all, hatred of all things divine, conjugated in all possible cases.

Performing artists

Metal, Thrash Metal, Groove Metal
Metal, Death Metal


Exodus  Blood In, Blood Out  0 5 4:01 33 ×
Exodus  Downfall  0 5 5:17 10 ×
Deicide  Homage For Satan  0 5 4:19 126 ×
Deicide  The Lord's Sedition  0 5 5:47 82 ×

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