Fama Q

Classical Czechia
S Fama Q

Upcoming concerts

Praha, Gröbeho vila Fama Q

Past concerts

Fama Quartet hraje Ježky Praha, Vyšehrad – purkrabství Fama Quartet hraje Ježky
Signum Quartett + fama Q Praha – Holešovice, DOX⁺ Signum Quartett + fama Q
Cappella Mariana + fama Q Praha 7 – Holešovice, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art Cappella Mariana + fama Q
Tribute to NYC Praha 1 – Nové Město, ARCHA+ Tribute to NYC
Dlouhá noc: 18 hodin – 1080 minut Ostrava, Ostrava – various venues Dlouhá noc: 18 hodin – 1080 minut
Beethoven. Kodály. Debussy Praha 1 – Malá Strana, Refektář MFF UK Beethoven. Kodály. Debussy

About Fama Q

Fama Q – string quartet for contemporary music was founded in 2005 in Prague by members of leading Czech orchestras who share a passion for chamber music. The quartet regularly performs works by masters of the 20th century avant-garde, as well as premieres of works by Czech and international composers.

The quartet consists of David Danel – violin, Roman Hranička – violin Ondřej Martinovský – viola and Balász Adorján – cello.

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