Permanent exhibition

Fauna Moravy

Tickets at venue
Address Muzejní 1, Brno
Tags Přírodovědecká
Entry CZK 25–50
Event website…
Venue's website…

People who are interested in wildlife and like animals want to learn more about them. The exhibition will satisfy all the wishes giving not only a general overview but focusing on particular issues as biotops, the natural environment of animals, endangered species etc. And even more, you can hear the voices of birds and you can see living fishes in three large aquariums.Display shows representatives of vertebrate in Moravia. Individual types are presented in their natural environment (diorama of grouses, owls, deers, foxes, wild boars).

There are also informative texts with maps of spreadings and pictures of animals and their natural environment. Creators remembered also a possibility of educating programs. Very important topic - nature conservation - is also mentioned, illustrations of nature devastations are also shown, mainly as a warning.

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