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Fyield will perform their album Future Landscapes. The evening will include a screening, debate and concert.

The unique music group Fyield brings together representatives of the Czech and Icelandic independent music scene. On the Czech side is Václav Havelka and Kryštof Kříček from the band Please The Trees, and they are joined by the Icelandic Pan Thorarensen (Stereo Hypnosis), who is the founder of the experimental music and sonic arts festival Extreme Chill. On the album, which is a crucial part of the interdisciplinary project Krajiny budoucnosti (Landscapes of the Future), Fyield take the listener to industrial sites crucial to the running of civilisation, letting nature and technology become equal bandmates.

Accompanied by fieldrecordists Magnús Bergsson and Sara Pinheiro with special microphones, the sonic expedition set out to explore through sound the challenges to the world's transformation spoken by the technologies and systems on which modern civilization depends. Against the backdrop of the climate crisis, participants in a sound expedition through the Czech Republic and Iceland tried to decipher the messages coming from an oil well, a geothermal power plant or an aquaponic farm. The director Ivo Bystřičan brought back from the expedition the film Invisible Landscapes, musicians Václav Havelka and Pan Thorarensen alias Fyield the album Future Landscapes in concert performance with Kryštof Kříček.

Film from 19:30, concert starts at 21:00. Between the film and the concert there will be a discussion with the actors and actresses of the project.

Neviditelné krajiny (Invisible Landscapes) / Ivo Bystřičan / Czech Republic 2022 / 48 min. – What does the roar of water and heat in the bowels of a thermal power plant or the regular breathing of an oil rig sound like? Full of movement and sound, yet almost wordless, this film offers an original perspective on the issues of ecology and energy.

Performing artists

Czechia, Iceland


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Fyield  We Hear the Call  0 5 4:28 0 ×

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