Hang Massive

Venue ARCHA+
Address Na Poříčí 1047/26, Praha 1 – Nové Město
Tags New Age
Entry CZK 850–950
Venue's website www.archa-plus.cz…

Hang Massive return to Europe with their new album Radius (2022) to bring a whole new experience with their message of openness and unity. The show combines the relaxing acoustic sounds of the hang for which they are famous, along with ecstatic dance rhythms. They will perform at Divadlo Archa on 24 November.

When it comes to new age, relaxing ambient and soft electronic-tinged meditative music that mirrors the Tibetan teaching of Dzogchen, it would be hard to find more famous hang players than the British-Swedish duo Hang Massive. Former bassists Danny Cudd and Markus, during their long stays in the Indian state of Goa since 2011, have hit on the tastes of a community with a strong connection to nature and a philosophy of life based on the spiritual essence of Dzogchen, of which they have become devoted followers.

They subordinated the teaching of achieving a naturally perfect state of mind to the sound of their music. So much so that they were initially surprised by the impact of the Once Again video, which gradually gained millions of views. The pair have gradually built on their success with more videos, several albums, worldwide tours, and although they have tried to experiment with more danceable electronics and vocalists, the core of Hang Massive still remains mainly acoustic concerts accompanied by visuals.

During the Luminous Emptiness Tour in 2018–⁠2019, they played sold-out shows across Europe, the UK and South America, bringing fans a fascinating new audiovisual experience. They return to Prague with their new album Radius (2022).

Performing artists

United Kingdom, Sweden
New Age, Experimental, Acoustic


Hang Massive  The Secret Kissing of the Sun and Moon  0 5 8:30 127 ×
Hang Massive  Warmth of the Sun's Rays  0 5 4:30 87 ×
Hang Massive  Luminous Emptiness  0 5 6:39 112 ×
Hang Massive  End of Sky  0 5 6:44 53 ×
Show all videos

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