I Say Mikey

House Poland www.facebook.com…
S I Say Mikey

Past events

Śledzik świąteczny w Dziku Warszawa, DZiK Śledzik świąteczny w Dziku
C.U.D. czyli Całkiem Udane Disco: I Say Mikey Warszawa, Cud nad Wisłą C.U.D. czyli Całkiem Udane Disco: I Say Mikey
10th Birthday of Hocki Klocki: I Say Mike + Kuvau + more Warszawa, Hocki Klocki 10th Birthday of Hocki Klocki: I Say Mike + Kuvau + more
I Love 90's: I Say Mikey + Heights Beats Warszawa, Hocki Klocki I Love 90's: I Say Mikey + Heights Beats
Red Bull Warsaw Unlocked Warszawa, Kredytowa 9 Red Bull Warsaw Unlocked
Sylwester w Niebie: Heights Beats + I Say Mikey + more Warszawa, Niebo Sylwester w Niebie: Heights Beats + I Say Mikey + more

About I Say Mikey

I Say Mikey is a DJ and a man of many talents, part of the duo AM Radio. He was born in Warsaw, but grew up in New York. He returned to Poland for his studies, studying at the European Academy of Art, where he defended his diploma under the guidance of Franciszek Starowieyski. He was also his assistant until the professor's death. His works were shown at exhibitions in London and New York, and he also worked on sculptures for Magdalena Abakanowicz.


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