Kristýna Šormová: Water Herself

Address Hybernská 998/4, Praha 1 – Nové Město
Entry Free
Venue's website

Kristýna Dytrych Sormová, born in Příbram in 1985, lives and works in Prague. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts with Michael Rittstein and Vladimír Skrepel. This artist's work reflects her personality, but it is not reflected in the calm surface of stagnant water, but rather in the surface of a wild river.

In her abstract work both fragility and strength can be observed, it is natural for her to change the rhythm, to change the approach to the medium, she is constantly searching and discovering. In this work, smooth, azure painting can be found, work with prints, work with chance, endless layering ending with monochrome painting, large-format and perforated works on paper, but also gestural modeling of the image, where Kristýna paints with her fingers and creates even relief works that have depth and transferred energy. The exhibition is complemented by her modeled and painted objects in which she continues her haptic thinking and goes beyond the dimension of the image.

The exhibition is completed with music and sound design by Martina Videnová.

The opening will take place on 24 June at 6pm in C.0 HYB4 Gallery.

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