
Address ul. Fort Wola 22, Warszawa
Organized by
Tags Rock, Metal, Progressive rock, Progressive metal
Entry 139–150 PLN
Event website www.progresja.com…
Venue's website www.progresja.com…

New album, new sound, new quality – the Norwegian prog-metal band Leprous is coming back to Poland.

The Norwegians are coming with their new album Atonement to the capital's Progresja. On top of that, they announce that the upcoming album will be heavier than a couple of its predecessors. Leprous have played in Poland 21 times, but between their first visit in 2010 and their last at Mystic Festival 2024, they have changed beyond recognition. Some of progressive metal's most important players have developed a style entirely their own, perfected it, then moved away from metal in different directions before showing again who's boss. The title single promoting Atonement is sheer delicacy.

Performing artists

Rock, Metal, Progressive rock, Progressive metal


Leprous  Running Low  0 5 6:37 25 ×
Leprous  The Silent Revelation  0 5 5:46 18 ×
Leprous  Castaway Angels  0 5 5:00 7 ×
Leprous  Nighttime Disguise  0 5 7:08 1 ×
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