NASZA Klubokawiarnia Międzypokoleniowa

NASZA Klubokawiarnia Międzypokoleniowa

Address ul. Stalowa 29, Warszawa

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Venue description

Klubokawiarnia Międzypokoleniowa NASZA (NASZA Intergenerational Club and Cafeteria) is located on the first floor of Kamienica Międzypokoleniowa. The appearance of the clubhouse, its purpose and proposed activities were developed together with the tenement house residents, its neighbours and officials. The club and cafe is run by the Nowolipie Center for Intergenerational Activity. It is a friendly and open place that helps to organise activities for the benefit of neighbours, where you can develop and share your passions, engage in volunteering, drink good coffee and eat delicious cakes. Here, different age groups support each other. The place cooperates with municipal institutions and non-governmental organisations.


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