Pohybový performance workshop Nesoulad

Address Hybernská 998/4, Praha 1 – Nové Město
Tags Workshop
Entry Free
Venue's website www.kampushybernska.cz
Language English friendly
Takes place during Zažít Kampus jinak 2024

A city, like a living organism, has its own unique pace of life determined by its inhabitants. The biorhythms of the metropolis arise depending on the interaction of the inhabitants with the urban infrastructure and urban spaces. People, perhaps without really thinking about it, are immersed in and affect this dynamic every day. Big cities impress with a faster rhythm of life. They absorb passers-by with the polyphony of streets, anthills of wide squares and avenues. Smaller cities, on the other hand, are more deliberate and unhurried.

The artist Kateryna Mamchur studied the rhythm of the city of Dnipro and the speed with which its inhabitants move in it, as part of her residency at the Artsvit gallery in 2019. The result of the research was a small interpretive performance expressing what happens when this biorhythmic synchronization is lost.

Adapting the Prague environment, Kateryna Mamchur now invites workshop participants to try slowing down their movement and transfer this experience to a public intervention near the Palladium shopping center, where she will participate in the collective performance "Mismatch", ver. 2.0.

Practical information:

  • Dress code: black color
  • The workshop will last 3 hours (90 minutes of practice, 1 hour of performance, breaks), you cannot join it during the course and it will be conducted in Czech and English.
  • Participation is free, but prior registration is required via the form.

The event is part of the program Zažít Kampus jinak.

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