Polish Genre Cinema x Weird Witch Movies: Everything for Sale

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Address ul. Żurawia 20, Warszawa
Tags Screening
Entry 25 PLN
Event website www.kinoamondo.pl…
Venue's website www.kinoamondo.pl
Length 92 min
Director Andrzej Wajda
Links IMDB
Release 1968

Performing: Beata Tyszkiewicz, Elżbieta Czyżewska, Daniel Olbrychski, Bohdan Ejmont, Małgorzata Maria Potocka, Irena Laskowska, Andrzej Piotrowski, Leonard Pietraszak, Bogumił Kobiela, Tadeusz Kalinowski, Andrzej Łapicki, Adam Pawlikowski, Jerzy Karaszkiewicz, Mieczysław Kalenik, Jacek Domański, Andrzej Gawroński, Bogdan Łysakowski, Andrzej Kostenko, Witold Dederko

A screening of Andrzej Wajda's Everything for Sale as part of a showcase of Polish genre films at Kino Amondo, hosted by Ania of Weird Witch Movies.

Everything for Sale is the story of a man who passed away unexpectedly. His death forces us to reflect on who he really was, what he left behind, what he will remain in the memories of those who loved him and those who admired him from afar. How long will his legend live on? It is not difficult to see many facts of Zbyszek Cybulski's life on screen, but this is not a film about him. It is, as Andrzej Wajda said, a story about people who make films - directors, actors, assistants, helpers. Beata Tyszkiewicz, Elżbieta Czyżewska and Daniel Olbrychski, who appear in Everything for Sale, play themselves, appear under their own names and speak their own lines. Film fiction mixes with reality here.

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