Prague Theater Festival of the German Language 2023

Venue Prague – various venues
Address Praha, Praha
Tags Theatre

The festival is an international showcase of theater productions and projects from the entire German-speaking region, i.e. Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. It works with ensembles and theater makers and attaches importance to the highest artistic level. The festival is supported by significant institutions from home and abroad and is considered a significant event in cultural relations between the Czech Republic and its neighboring countries.

Past events

Praha 7, La Fabrika Ve stínu diktatury
Praha 1, Divadlo X10 Vyhnanství
Praha 1, Divadlo X10 Čekárna – trilogie
Praha 1, Divadlo X10 Oppermannovi
Praha 1, Divadlo X10 Úspěch
Praha 1 – Nové Město, New Stage of the National Theatre Puzení
Praha 1 – Nové Město, New Stage of the National Theatre Puzení
Praha 1, DISK Theatre Odysseus si kupuje koně aneb Jak jsme se stali hrdiny
Praha – Holešovice, DOX⁺ Dějiny násilí
Praha – Holešovice, DOX⁺ Dějiny násilí
Praha 1, DISK Theatre Odysseus si kupuje koně aneb Jak jsme se stali hrdiny
Praha 8, Pod Palmovkou Theatre Stud
Praha 8, Pod Palmovkou Theatre Stud
Praha 2, Vinohrady Theatre Venku přede dveřmi
Praha 2, Vinohrady Theatre Sex
Praha 1 – Nové Město, ARCHA+ Doughnuts

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