
Address Kubelíkova 27, Praha 3 – Žižkov
Entry CZK 230–290
Event website www.palacakropolis.cz…
Venue's website www.palacakropolis.com…
Takes place during Festival Divadlo dneška

Performing: Illés Haibo, Richárd Melykó

“Dear Spectators, before you trust in something, it will collapse.”

The Raw explores the impact of earthquakes on theaters from a theoretical perspective, by abstracting various real interview fragments. A work about earthquakes in a cultural-political context is situated between performative use of space and documentary theatre. In this performance Illés Haibo and Richárd Melykó, as a damage assessment and damage reporting, will use the earthquake as a metaphor to draw attention to the tension of uncertainty, along past-tremors that narrate different losses.

How does an earthquake change the way theatre works? Can the space be safe again after such a turn? From a theoretical point of view, what can a theatre in ruins mean? What is the impact on the theatre workers, performers and dancers concerned?

Haibo Illés (1998) and Richárd Melykó (1994) are an interdisciplinary duo based in Budapest. Their process-based work is mainly defined by their conceptual performances, which explore cultural and social issues from a specific perspective. More recently, they have been highlighting the effects of neoliberalism in their performances. Their works have been shown in Bratislava, Copenhagen, Dresden and Prague in addition to Budapest.

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