Skleněná louka

Skleněná louka

Address Kounicova 23, Brno

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Venue description

On the scene Skleněná louka perform regularly for more than twelve years of leading domestic and foreign artists. Production of glass cultural center field is closely linked with its headquarters in remarkable architectural and urbanistic design house of Kounicova Street in Brno, its owners PhDr. Alena Smidova and Ing. Karl Seidl devised as a multifunctional space with cafes, galleries, bookshops and other shops, architectural offices … The owners of the house while patrons here are organized non-commercial artistic activities. Glass Meadow is famous for its unique and rasantní dramaturgy that is not afraid of frequent cross mezižánrových and overlaps. CG Glass Meadow programs are especially concerts of contemporary classical music, composed creative evening of remarkable artistic personalities and talk shows.

Associated venues

Místogalerie na Skleněné louce


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