Sztuka dostępna: Spotkanie dla osób niewidomych i słabowidzących

Address pl. Małachowskiego 3, Warszawa
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Takes place during Tears of Joy

Guided tour with live audio-description of the exhibition Tears of Happiness – the largest presentation of Zachęta's collection to date. The exhibition includes dozens of works from recent decades, including key works of Polish art history and those associated with important events in the gallery's history. These works form a narrative of the emotions they used to and do evoke today. Some of them have caused scandals, touching on taboo subjects such as illness, old age or disability. The exhibition explores how contemporary society reacts to these themes. The selected works and their contemporary interpretations and comments by the artists and the public reflect the changes in social sensibility over the years. The exhibition also demonstrates the important role of contemporary art and cultural institutions in the process of regaining a voice for systemically excluded social groups.

The exhibition Tears of Happiness is a space where audience activity and a performative programme play as important a role as the works on display. Through their actions, the artists enter into a dialogue with the works, proposing alternative ways of visiting the gallery. The performative programme and the choreography of the exhibition take into account the diverse functioning and sensibilities of the audience, encouraging a bodily experience of the artworks.

Volunteers can assist visitors in getting to Zachęta. If there is a need, the gallery asks you to contact: tel: 887 036 195, e-mail:

More events in: Tears of Joy

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