The Curious Case of Mr. Holmes

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Address Anenské náměstí 5, Praha 1
Theatre company Na zábradlí Theatre
Tags Drama
Entry CZK 250–390
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Length 150 min
Director David Jařab
Release 5. 10. 2018
Author Arthur Conan Doyle

Performing: Jan Hájek, Miloslav König, Johana Matoušková / Anna Fialová, Jakub Žáček, Jan Nedbal, Jiří Černý, Barbora Bočková, Petra Bučková, Petr Čtvrtníček, Magdaléna Sidonová

Criminal obsession of two loners from the times when black persons, Indians, Polish, junkies, women, and children knew who they are. Victorian rhapsody about a dream to get close to the crime that it become impossible for white man to stay clear in his arrogant clothes and skinny gloves. Shy steps of brain’s satisfaction in new era

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