The Hole

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Address ul. Żurawia 20, Warszawa
Origin Italy, Germany, France
Original name Il buco
Movie genre Drama, Slow cinema
Entry 25–50 PLN
Venue's website
Length 93 min
Director Michelangelo Frammartino
Links IMDB
Release 2022
Ranking 66 %

Performing: Claudia Candusso, Paolo Cossi, Mila Costi, Carlos José Crespo, Jacopo Elia, Federico Gregoretti

In August 1961, speleologists explored Europe’s deepest cave in the Calabrian hinterland, reaching 700 meters below Earth for the first time. Their venture went unnoticed by the inhabitants of a neighboring village, but not by an old shepherd whose solitary life interweaves with the group’s journey. In Michelangelo Frammartino's 2021 slow cinema piece based on the story, the hole in the ground leading to the hidden labyrinths is a kind of gate to Hades, the entrance to the realm of the dead, around which the ailing shepherd circles each day. Time slowly condenses on the walls of the caves, and the billions of years old existence of the planet seems an eternity compared to the fragile existence of what precariously trembles and blissfully passes on its thick shell: animals, trees, people and their stories.

Movie trailer

Díra (michelangelo Frammartino, 2021)  Trailer Cz  0 5 1:09 0 ×

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