The JazzCake

Jazz, Blues, Swing, Swing, Blues Czechia…
S The JazzCake

Past concerts

The JazzCake + The Abs Moravská Ostrava, Pjetka Music Club The JazzCake + The Abs
The Jazzcake Ostrava, Důl Hlubina – Dolní oblast Vítkovice The Jazzcake
Silvestr: Swing Thing & Papa Django + The JazzCake + more Brno, Fléda Silvestr: Swing Thing & Papa Django + The JazzCake + more
Tančírna ve Stromovce Praha 7, Tiskárna na vzduchu Tančírna ve Stromovce
Tančírna: The JazzCake (live) + Swing Thing & Papa Django + Max W. Praha 10, Czech Inn Bar Tančírna: The JazzCake (live) + Swing Thing & Papa Django + Max W.


The JazzCake  (live)  0 5 3:54 32 ×
The JazzCake  (live)  0 5 3:28 22 ×


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