The Quiet Heroes: Milena and Leopold – Stories from the 1950s

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The exhibition The Quiet Heroes is an interactive exhibition through which visitors will travel into the history of the 20th century. But they will not just listen to the stories of witnesses who experienced totalitarian regimes – they will actively participate in the research of memories themselves and will be able to actively influence and shape the adventure with the help of a tablet. Not only non-traditional projections, but also visual and sound effects, interactive screens or augmented reality will help them to do this.

Visitors have a choice of two eras. During one visit, they will experience the story of one of the witnesses. You can visit the exhibition four times and leave with a different experience each time.

The stories of these four heroes were selected from more than ten thousand interviews from the collection of Memory of the Nation, and they all have one thing in common: they all selflessly helped others with their courageous actions, despite the fact that they often risked their own safety.

The inspiring life stories of Milena and Leopold confirm that not every hero is learned in history lessons. Stories from more than ten thousand interviews from the Memory of the Nation collection were selected for the exhibition, and they have one thing in common: both of them selflessly helped others with their courageous actions, despite the fact that they often risked their own safety. They wanted to make life easier for those who lived in the difficult time of the 1950s.

Milena takes the visitors to the Jáchymov mines, from where she smuggled letters and where she fell in love with one of the prisoners. Together with Leopold Färber, they look among the partisans and into the communist prison of the 1950s.

Practical information:

  • The box office is always open 30 minutes before the start of the tour.
  • Individual tours start at fixed times.
  • The tour lasts 90 minutes.
  • The exhibition is suitable for ages 12 and up.
  • The content also includes footage depicting violent behavior and weapons.
  • The exhibition is not suitable for epileptics and people with respiratory problems.
  • When purchasing a ticket for a couple, both visitors take the same tour, during which they share a tablet with interactive elements.

Discounted admission:
The "Digital History" single ticket allows visitors to enter the The Quiet Heroes exhibition and the Fiery Horse and Dragon exhibition at the New Town Hall. Discounted entry for CZK 100 awaits everyone who shows proof of their Young Spectator's Club card. For a discounted price of 250 CZK, visitors can buy a ticket to the exhibition and a tour of the tower at the Old Town Hall together.

More information can be found at


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