Heart Of Noise

Sale ended
Venue ARCHA+
Address Na Poříčí 1047/26, Praha 1 – Nové Město
Theatre company 420PEOPLE
Entry CZK 550
Venue's website www.archa-plus.cz…
Release 21. 9. 2023
Author Sylva Šafková

Performing: Eliška Jirsová, Florian Garcia, Simona Machovičová, Filip Staněk, Michal Toman, Tomáš Reindl

The dance performance by the contemporary dance company 420PEOPLE, choreographed by Sylva Šafková, introduces a modern take on futurism in movement, music and set design. As the name suggests, the dance performance HeArt of Noise is inspired by noise. People tend to perceive noise negatively as something disturbing. However, such a negative connotation may not always be appropriate. For example, English uses the same term for “noise” and “sound”. Thus, it may be possible to say that the performance was inspired not by noise but by sound – as a counterpart to the music. The noise, of course, is not random but composed. Conceptually, the performance follows the Futurists’ manifesto Art of Noise (L’arte dei Rumori) written by Lugi Russolo, who saw noise primarily as a new way of experiencing sound, not bound by the limited range of sounds of traditional musical instruments. Sylva Šafková has invited the sound magician T. Reindl (Omnion) to collaborate on this project. They will create their version of stage noise in its diverse forms on stage, using recordings and live music. Marek Cpin’s scenography for the 420PEOPLE dancers will be enhanced by industrial sounds, strikes on water, human body sounds, voices and heartbeats. The audience will enjoy the best dancers, a water surface directly on the stage and the live sound of the Futurists’ iconic instrument, the intonarumori.


Praha 1 – Nové Město, ARCHA+ Heart Of Noise

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