
Sold out
Venue Jatka78
Address Bubenské nábřeží 306/13, Praha 7
Entry CZK 690
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Length 90 min
Release 31. 10. 2021
Author Lukas Bliss

Performing: Václav Wortner, Andrej Lyga, Šimon Pliska, Lukas Blaha, Tomáš Kůgel, Michal Von Klaun

Theatre group My kluci, co spolu chodíme brings a new dimension to the immersive experience. The audience joins the actors and becomes co-creators, the food becomes a prop, or a partner on stage, or another spectator. A normal feast becomes an absurd play.


Praha 7, Jatka78 Hostina
Praha 7, Jatka78 Hostina

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