Vladimír Skrepl: Vláčná kůže

Address Ke Sklárně 15, Praha 5 – Smíchov
Tags Paintings
Entry Free
Event website www.meetfactory.cz…
Venue's website www.meetfactory.cz…
Curator Ján Gajdušek

One of the most influential Czech artists and educators of the last thirty years will present a completely new series of works entitled Vláčná kůže in the main gallery of MeetFactory.

Vladimír Skrepl (born 1955) became one of the most progressive curators of the Prague City Gallery in the 1980s after studying art history and ethnography at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Brno. Without a traditional art education, he then participated as an artist in a number of key exhibitions of the 1990s, such as Česká Abstra(H)ce (1996), To, co zbývá (1993), Zkušební provoz (1995), Snížený rozpočet (1997), and exhibitions at Béhémot and MXM galleries. Between 1994 and 2022, he then headed the Malířství II. studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, where some of the major artists of the following years studied under him. His work, ranging from painting to installation, is characterized by harsh expression, cartoonish distortion and the involvement of crude gestural painting. Vladimír Skrepl’s work defies any kind of agenda and contradicts all conformity in art with brutality and irony.

Production: Petra Widžová
Graphics: Matúš Buranovský, Jiří Macků

Gallery opening hours:
Monday–Sunday 1pm–8pm (unless otherwise stated)

Past events

Praha 5 – Smíchov, MeetFactory Komentovaná prohlídka výstav Vláčná kůže & Dungeon Keepers
Praha 5 – Smíchov, MeetFactory Insane Temple: Vernisáž výstav Vláčná kůže + Dungeon Keepers

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