Zažít Kampus jinak 2024


Zažít Kampus jinak will take place on September 21 at the Hybernská Campus.


9:00-22:00 - Open Kavarna Kampus
In its interior, it hides "unique" Czech works of art, [pieces from recycled materials]( pul-they-built-a-cafe-from-recycled-material) and second-hand. Visitors can come to refresh themselves and enjoy goodies and delicious drinks.

9:00-22:00 – Slow Cinema screening or celebration of slowing down (Circular hub A.0)
A celebration of moments when time slips between the fingers, when viewers surrender themselves to a hedonistic immersion in the moving images on the projection wall. Attention is unfocused, concentration spread over the widest surroundings, sleep comes and goes in an irregular rhythm. Curators: Anna Chrtková, Petr Dlouhý.

Movie overview:

  1. Dominika Hoyle: Playing dead on the moon
  2. Jan Matýsek: I Can Feel My Third Leg Is Scoring the Goal
  3. & (Barbora Trnková & Tomáš Javůrek): The smoke tickled the clouds, they laughed until it thundered
  4. Anita Krausová: Sått
  5. Andrea Dudková: Ghost Hour
  6. Rufina Bazlova: Domestic Revolution
  7. Hollow: The Camp
  8. Denis Baštuga: Chess Garden
  9. Martin Dlabaja [Optical Frameworks]: 山 shān
  10. Matyáš Dlab: Machine embroidery
  11. D'epog: Superfight
  12. Anna Chrtková and Petr Dlouhý: Unhuman Feast
  13. Klárka Ondračková & Tereza Chudáčková & Laura Prieložná: Solid Show Potion

13:00–19:00 – HYB4 Swap & books (Forecourt, in case of bad weather in Reading Room C.0)
A book swap as an opportunity to stop in the daily hustle and discover literary works that inspire a slow and conscious lifestyle. Visitors can bring their favorite books that have appealed to them and exchange them for new stories and ideas that will help them find peace, inspiration and harmony. The HYB4 Swap & Books event will run until September 27th. On days 23-27 9. will take place in the premises of the Infocenter during opening hours (i.e. Mon–Thurs: 13–20:00, on Fri: 13–18:00). Visitors can bring a maximum of 8 books in excellent or good condition that they have finished reading and would like to pass on.

13:00–19:00 – HYB4 Family: Children's workshop (Forecourt, in case of bad weather in Reading Room C.0) – ENG friendly
All little artists are invited to a children's workshop full of creativity and fun. Visitors can come try painting and stamping textiles or find out how to paint on glass. In addition, they make original textile and paper jewelry. Everyone can participate in creation. Lecturer: Jana Jiroušková.

13:00–19:00 – HYB4 Workshop: Drilling and screwing for children (Circular workshop) – ENG friendly
Who misses rummaging around in random screws, nuts, hinges, scraps, blanks or scraps? Who needs to make an animal that even remotely resembles a deer? A pseudo-giraffe? Or does he just need to drill and mindlessly put pieces of stuff together? Then this event is exactly for him (if he is a child). They will learn to use a drill, choose the right drill and bit, but most importantly to improvise. Lecturer: Jonáš Vlasák.

**15:00–18:00 – Movement performance workshop Nesoulad (Circular hub A.0) – ENG friendly **
How to move slowly in Prague? Dance workshop led by Ukrainian artist and performer Kate Mamchur. The workshop will be held in Czech and English, it is not possible to join during the workshop. You need to register for the workshop in advance via the form, the number of places is limited.

16:00–20:00 – Open editorial office revue Prostor – ENG friendly

16:00–16:45 – Guided tour of the Hybernská Campus (meet at the gatehouse) – ENG friendly
Visitors can take a look at the Campus areas that are not normally accessible. The meeting will be at the gatehouse and its co-founder Jan Bičovský will guide visitors through the Campus. They can look forward to the history of the place and the attractions associated with it.

16:00–21:00 – Exhibition: [Lê Thị Hoài: Shóret bých byla / Burn to be]( hoai) (Artivist Lab D.0) – ENG friendly
An exhibition including installations, video and text exploring the theme of re-migration, trying to settle in the "right" home and then leaving the country as a second-generation Vietnamese woman. The author examines through olfactory memories and the observation of falling ashes that sometimes it is okay to leave. Curator: Tamara Moyzes

16:30–18:00 – Guided meditation on the topic Slow down (Soul care center, D.1 hall)
Meditation is a moment of being present and stopping in the hustle and bustle of the day. Turning inward and opening space for that which transcends the human. Meditation offers a practice of mindful and kind attention that can contribute to overall personal development. In today's fast-paced world, people are taught to slow down and stop, breathe and rest. Visitors can try sitting and walking meditation. They will be accompanied by Elva Frouz, an associate of the UK Soul Care Center and an experienced meditation guide, to slow down. Clothing in which one can sit comfortably is recommended. Lecturer: Elva Robert Frouz.

18:30–19:15 – Music performance Rare Footage (CZ) (Back yard, in case of bad weather E.0 Hall)
Author's work from Prague. Guitarist Jan Bičovský will perform.

20:00–21:00 – Drunken Strings (CZ) (Backyard, in case of bad weather E.0 Hall)
A folk-blues guitar duo from Prague that is unknowingly inspired by oldies and childhood songs that their parents played in the car. David Peřich on acoustics and Jan Eis on cigarbox guitar.

Accompanying program

Praha 1 – Nové Město, Campus Hybernská Pohybový performance workshop Nesoulad

Performing artists

Jazz, Acoustic
Drunken Strings

More events in venue

Jiří Petrbok: Je těžké býti bohem Praha 1 – Nové Město, Campus Hybernská Jiří Petrbok: Je těžké býti bohem
Vladimír Skrepl: Esoterická pauza Praha 1 – Nové Město, Campus Hybernská Vladimír Skrepl: Esoterická pauza
Oprava a údržba kol: Otevřená dílna Praha 1 – Nové Město, Campus Hybernská Oprava a údržba kol: Otevřená dílna
Vrtání a kotvení Praha 1 – Nové Město, Campus Hybernská Vrtání a kotvení

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