Wystawa stała

An afternoon devoted to jewellery


A private programme for groups.

Accompanied by one of the museum’s curators, the visitors will visit the jewellery installation in the museum’s permanent exhibition, as well as the present Jewellery – Form – Content exhibition. Face to face with jewellry past and present, they can discover and discuss the ways in which jewellery bears meanings. The tour will begin in the Jewellery and Light installation in the Art, Life permanent exhibition, continuing with Jewellery and Physique, before moving to installations in the foyer covering time in jewellery and depictions of the figure in jewellery. Seating will be available during the tour. If desired the programme can end with a toast.


  • guided tour available in Czech and English
  • gift voucher available: online or at the museum’s ticket desk
  • duration two hours: 3.30 pm–5.30 pm (on Tuesday also 5.30 pm–7.30 pm)
  • booking: objednavky@upm.cz

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