Arthouse Hejtmánek

Arthouse Hejtmánek

Adres Krupkovo náměstí 3, Praha 6
Strona internetowa

Aktualne wystawy w galerii

Nie wiemy o żadnych wydarzeniach w tym miejscu

Opis miejsca

"We would like to introduce you to our gallery and auction house Arthouse Hejtmanek. We have set up this family finally after almost 25 years of common life, interests, work.

We woke up our house built in the 17th century from a long sleep to life again. This House is situated in the heart of Europe, Prague, is now home to art, antiques, design-beautiful things, which people around and collected is from time immemorial.

We trust that everyone will find something in our gallery to your already incurred, or the emerging Collections. Or just stops and it will feel good."

Mary and Thomas – Translated by Automatic service


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