Capella Regia

Muzyka klasyczna Czechy
S Capella Regia

Minione koncerty

Smetanova Litomyšl 2016 Litomyšl, Litomyšl – różne miejsca Smetanova Litomyšl 2016

O Capella Regia

Capella Regia was founded in 1992 by Robert Hugo. The name refers to the famous collection of Czech Sacred Music of Václav Karel Holan Rovenský of 1693. Today, the Capella Regia Praha best-known early music files in Bohemia. The repertoire consists mainly of Czech and Central European Baroque music of the 17th and 18 century. (Michna, Biber, Fischer, Schütz, Mazak etc). Particular emphasis on the spiritual dramas set of Baroque music (oratorios - JD Zelenka, G. Carissimi, A. Gragh, etc.) And their operation stage. Basic cast consists of 4-5 singers and basso continuo. Depending on the nature and staffing of projects stands up to the size of a chamber orchestra, soloists and choir. Instrumentalists play exclusively on historical instruments or copies thereof. – Translated by Automatic service

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