Wystawa stała

Man – Instrument – Music

Adres Karmelitská 2/4, Praha 1
Wstęp 80–200 Kč
Strona wydarzenia www.nm.cz…
Strona miejsca www.nm.cz…

Exposition of Czech Museum of Music wants to introduce musical instruments not only as remarkable proofs of workmanlike and artistic skills, but as primary mediator between human and music.

While Milan Cais music being played the headquarter of a guide reminds 4 elements of diversity of pop music of 20th century how it was retained by movie, television, photography and sound recordings. Later you enter more intimate rooms dedicated to the ages when humans had to manufacture the instrument so they could enjoy music experiences. You go through the history and you learn how individual types of instruments actually can make sounds, how the musical notation of individual instrument looked like and for what social events they were used. This impression is enhanced by the architectural design of the exposition, dynamic application of light and sound.

If you are interested there are headphones for superior listening experience of original recordings of exposed instruments. Publication with quiz is prepared for children. Though exposition offers an area of 1000m2 it cannot grasp it in its all forms, not even expose all the exhibits of the museum.

Other exhibits are available for visitors at temporary exhibitions in the ground floor of the museum.

Więcej wydarzeń w tym miejscu

Pocta českým tvůrcům Praha 1, Czech Museum of Music Pocta českým tvůrcům

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