

Adresa ul. Siekierkowska 28, Warszawa
Webová stránka
Telefón +48 22 841 91 22

Aktuálne akcie

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Popis miesta

Dorożkarnia The Center for Artistic Activities for Children and Youth started its activity from the theater. Today, it is a recognized cultural center that leads not only theatrical activities, but also from many fields of art and culture. Performances, concerts, and exhibitions are presented in Dorożkarnia, at home and abroad - young people take part in competitions, festivals and international projects.


Podobné miesta

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Wawerskie Centrum Kultury Filia Anin
Faktyczny Dom Kultury
officyna art & design
Akademia Flamencoarte
Hotel MDM
Sąsiedzki Dom Pracy Twórczej
Otwarta Kolonia
Local na Mokotowie
Warsaw Dance Department

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