

Adresa Straße zum FEZ 2, Berlin
Webová stránka www.fez-berlin.de
Telefón +49 30 530710

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FEZ is Europe’s biggest nonprofit kids, adolescent- and family center. It offers creative play, enjoyment and recovery and combines adventure, education and fun in its program. The contentual offers with an emphasis on global learning, European and international education, cultural education and sustainable development are unique. Due to 100.000 square meters of outdoor area and 13.000 square meters of indoor spaces, FEZ is the ideal place for a multitude of events.

The Astrid-Lindgren-Bühne offers an interesting theater program for children and families with 559 seats. At the Alice - Museum for children touching and being touched is explicitly asked for. Young visitors can grasp the exhibits, ask questions and find unusual topics in their daily life as well as find answers to them by participating. Another highlight is the Orbital space center with its unusual architecture that is oriented on the ISS. Here space traveling, its fascination and its usage in society come alive.

A swimming and sports gym, concert halls, a cinema and appealing playgrounds invite for testing and participating. Around 30 associations complete the offer, especially in the afternoons and evenings.

For families particularly the weekend at FEZ offer an attractive program: Music festivals, cultural exchange and theater - every weekend, another topic is leading the program. A special highlight is the holiday program. FEZ is used by kindergartens and schools as an external place for education as well as for excursions.

850.000 people per year visit FEZ.

Pridružené miesta

Alice – Museum for Children
Astrid Lindgren Stage


Podobné miesta

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