
Gallery of Medieval Art

Adresa Aleje Jerozolimskie 3, Warszawa
Vstupné PLN 10–15
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The National Museum in Warsaw’s Gallery of Medieval Art consists mainly of works from the Late Middle Ages (14th–16th c.) originating from various regions of Poland, along with several examples of works from western Europe. These are items whose original functions were almost exclusively of an ecclesiastical nature. The gallery was designed in a way so as to allow viewers a most thorough picture of the role that works of art held in religious life of the Middle Ages – a time when our modern understanding of art was still unheard of.

Ďalšie akcie v tomto mieste

Gallery of 19th Century Art Warszawa, National Museum in Warsaw Stála Gallery of 19th Century Art
Alina Ślesińska: Szkice przestrzeni Warszawa, Królikarnia Alina Ślesińska: Szkice przestrzeni
Józef Chełmoński 1849–1914 Warszawa, National Museum in Warsaw Józef Chełmoński 1849–1914
Faras Gallery Warszawa, National Museum in Warsaw Stála Faras Gallery

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