

Vstupenky na mieste
Adresa Kostelní 44, Praha 7 – Letná
Štítky Veda a technika
Vstupné 0–150 Kč
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The exhibition Gastronomy is intended for all food lovers, children, and professionals.

In the children's gaming hall, the smallest visitors to the museum can try shopping, cooking, and grocery and learn why it is good to buy local products. They will get to know the kitchens of our grandmothers and grandparents who are equipped with authentic objects from the museum collection. Foods learn children here not only by sight but also by other senses. Last but not least, he learns the principles of proper dining.

The Gastronomy exhibition is also a gastro studio, professionally equipped modern kitchen. Gastro studio is the training place of the Association of Chefs and Confectioners of the Czech Republic.

Ďalšie akcie v tomto mieste

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Agriculture Praha 7 – Letná, Národní zemědělské muzeum Stála Agriculture
Water in the landscape Praha 7 – Letná, Národní zemědělské muzeum Stála Water in the landscape
Hunting Praha 7 – Letná, Národní zemědělské muzeum Stála Hunting

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