Long Night of Museums at the Royal Castle


The Royal Castle in Warsaw, being a symbol of the sovereignty of the Polish State, became a target for German military attacks as early as in the first days of the World War II. On 17 September 1939 it was in flames. Apart from the firemen and city wardens, also civilians were helping to put the fire out. At the same time Polish museum workers and conservators, risking their own lives, were trying to salvage the most precious art collections, as well as decorative elements from the Castle rooms. Aware that the occupants have made a decision to blow the Castle up, they were already thinking about the future reconstruction of the building. The act of destruction was completed during the Warsaw Uprising in September 1944, when German sappers blasted the Castle walls.

The exhibition is documenting the history of the Royal Castle.

Ďalšie akcie v tomto mieste

Schönberg – Schubert Warszawa, The Royal Castle in Warsaw Schönberg – Schubert
Selection from “Imago Poloniae”, the Tomasz Niewodniczański Collections Warszawa, The Royal Castle in Warsaw Stála Selection from “Imago Poloniae”, the Tomasz Niewodniczański Collections
The Lanckorońscy Gallery Warszawa, The Royal Castle in Warsaw Stála The Lanckorońscy Gallery
Collection of Oriental Carpets Warszawa, The Royal Castle in Warsaw Stála Collection of Oriental Carpets

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