Museum Nikolaikirche

Museum Nikolaikirche

Adresa Nikolaikirchplatz, Berlin
Webová stránka
Telefón +49 30 24002162
Pridružené miesta Stadtmuseum Berlin

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For more than 800 years the Nikolai Church has shaped the center of Berlin. The gothic building from around 1400 is one of the highlights of Brandenburg architecture, reflecting the poise of the urban bourgeoisie.

During World War II the Nikolai Church was almost completely destroyed. It was not until 1984 that its restoration started. In 1987 it was opened as a museum. Since 2010 the permanent exhibition at the Nikolai Church focuses on the building history of St. Nikolai and the earlier city history. Apart from that it deals with burial culture after the reformation, presents sacred works of art and liturgical instruments


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