My Name Is Music

Rock, Pop, Alternatíva/Indie Rakúsko
S My Name Is Music

Uplynulé koncerty

United Islands 2013 Praha 6, Ladronka Park United Islands 2013
Klubová noc United Islands: My Name Is Music + Chamber Worcester + others Praha 5 – Smíchov, Futurum Music Bar Klubová noc United Islands: My Name Is Music + Chamber Worcester + others


My Name Is Music  Straight and Simple  0 5 2:15 168 ×
My Name Is Music  Pop Is Dead  0 5 4:47 95 ×
My Name Is Music  Smooth Revolution  0 5 3:39 98 ×
My Name Is Music  We Are Terrorists  0 5 3:59 36 ×

O My Name Is Music

My Name Is Music the Austrian duo in the style of minimalist indie rock. Called to the legacy of the band White Stripes or The Cure. Are characterized by their osekanými arrangements and good lyrics, which is not afraid to snipe controversial social issues. In 2011 they released their second album, We Are Terrorists.

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