Topic Salon

Topic Salon

Adresa Národní 9, Praha 1
Webová stránka
Telefón +420 603 495 520

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Popis miesta

History of the Topic Salon dates back to 1894, when it began to serve as an exhibition hall and a shop of Topic publishing house. Throughout history, it have been several times closed and than again reopened. Last reopening of the Topic Salon was after an extensive reconstruction in 2008. Topic salon is currently used for the presentation of contemporary Czech art.


Podobné miesta

Debut Gallery
Miro Gallery
Gate Gallery
Petr Brandl Gallery
Stone Bell House
Vaclav Spala Gallery
Jedna Dva Tři Gallery
Dům U Zlatého prstenu
Jaroslav Fragner Gallery
Entrance Gallery
Galerie Žaloudek

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