Army Museum Žižkov

Army Museum Žižkov

Адреса U Památníku 2 , Praha 3
Телефон +420 973 204 924

Актуальні музейні виставки

Нам невідомо про якісь події в цьому місці.

Опис місця

The Army Museum is located in Prague-Žižkov, in the historic facilities of the National Liberation Monument. The exposition is divided into three large sections. The first is dedicated to the period of the World War 1 (1914 to 1918), the involvement of Czech and Slovak people in the war, and the political and military events that resulted in the constitution of the independent Czechoslovak Republic. The second section is dedicated to the Czechoslovak republic and its armed forces between the world wars, and the third section maps the period of the World War 2, and the involvement of the Czech and Slovak people in the military operations, home resistance and other events aimed at restoring the independence of Czechoslovakia.


Подібні місця

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Hrdlicka Museum of Man
Lapidárium Betlémské kaple
František Palacký and František Ladislav Rieger Memorial
Museum of Czech Literature (Main Building)
Jewish Museum
Museum of Czech Literature
Zámecký areál Ctěnice
Public Transport Museum
Muzeum Lennonovy zdi
Jaroslav Ježek Memorial

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