Постійна вистава

Czech Folk Culture

Адреса Kinského zahrada 98, Praha 5
Веб-сайт події www.nm.cz…
Веб-сайт місця www.nm.cz…

The permanent ethnographic exhibition introduces the everyday and festive life of Bohemian, Moravian and Silesian countryside in the 18th, 19th and first half of the 20th century and represents a traditional folk culture in the Czech Republic.

The first part of the exhibition presents everyday life with an emphasis on material culture. Part of this part of the exhibition is the presentation of the products and working tools of folk craftsmen and farmers (folk ceramics, folk dwelling), as well as the presentation of unique frescos related to festive time and spiritual culture (folk costumes, folk art).

The second part of the exposition introduces folk customs, annual customs and ceremonies of the traditional agricultural year - from spring (carnival, Easter) through summer and autumn (Pentecostal celebrations, summer pilgrimages, tows) until winter (Mikulášské a adventní projížďky, Christmas Eve).

The final part of the exposition represents the human life cycle (birth, death, wedding) and the family ritual associated with the course of human life. A permanent addition to the exhibition consists of three craft workshops (ceramic, textile, custom) with a presentation of folk crafts and handicrafts. The Ethnographic Exhibition of the National Museum was nominated for the European Museum of the Year Award in 2007. A permanent addition to the exhibition consists of three craft workshops (ceramic, textile, custom) with a presentation of folk crafts and handicrafts.

Більше подій в цьому місці

Traditional Folk Culture through Touch Praha 5, Ethnographic Museum of the National Museum Постійний Traditional Folk Culture through Touch

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