Django Jet

Джаз Чехія
S Django Jet

Минулі концерти

Django Jet Brno, Metro Music Bar Django Jet
Pálavské kulturní léto startuje Pavlov, Vinařství Reisten Pálavské kulturní léto startuje
Den pro všechny Brno, Moravské náměstí – park Den pro všechny
100 let Republiky: Robert Křesťan & Druhá tráva + Synkopy 61 + další Brno, Sono Music Club 100 let Republiky: Robert Křesťan & Druhá tráva + Synkopy 61 + další
Django Jet Brno, Governor's Palace Django Jet
Jazzbit: Los Carlos + Django Jet Praha 5 – Smíchov, Jazz Dock Jazzbit: Los Carlos + Django Jet


Django Jet  live  0 5 5:39 330 ×
Django Jet  live  0 5 4:07 194 ×
Django Jet  live  0 5 8:06 144 ×

Про Django Jet

Brno band Django Jet plays dance swing 30-50 years. In the Repertoire are the Czech and French swing burner, interspersed with temperamentními gypsy-jazz standards, modeled after Django Reinhardt and the Hot Club de France. In addition to the main singer, charming Mary Gilbert, singing in three other outstanding vokalisté. Most of the bands are also actively engaged in swingovému dance, so that the music will have "the right to swing" is guaranteed.Formation of the present in the composition: Janek Čarek-guitar, vocals Jenny Řičařová – violin, Martin Lauer-guitar, vocals of Mary Gilbert – vocals, Jarek Panuš – bass. – Translated by Automatic service


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