Tajná chuť

Поп, Джаз Чехія
S Tajná chuť

Минулі концерти

Alternativa 2015: Cantenac Dagar + Tajná chuť + Fire! + more Praha 1 – Malá Strana, Malostranská beseda Alternativa 2015: Cantenac Dagar + Tajná chuť + Fire! + more
Vasilův Rubáš + Tajná Chuť Praha 3, Baryton Café Vasilův Rubáš + Tajná Chuť
Tajná chuť + Přetlak věku Praha 6 – Břevnov, Kaštan – scéna Unijazzu Tajná chuť + Přetlak věku


Tajná chuť  Hala CI  0 5 6:01 135 ×
Tajná chuť (live)    0 5 7:08 68 ×

Про Tajná chuť

Secret taste is water soaked wood, mossy vegetation on decaying granite stone, only one wave ripples in a pool just protruding fungus between toes on left foot, inappropriate comments to children, educational concerts, and special settings perception of the human soul, thought suppression extruded pickles, five the penitential detonation explosion in terms of support, sometimes amazing and sometimes mrhavě odvýjející the time under the influence of altered perception, sensory cells inovátorství basic biological diet, probably lingering fifth string violist in the symphony orchestra, pieces of pieces of what I have long been and continue to be wanted and constantly evolving and unfinished …

Схожі виконавці

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The Odd Gifts
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Kuba Badach
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Gin In Jam
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Cosmic People

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